Friday, September 21, 2007

Kreativitet är nu / Creativity is now

Kreativitet är nu. I alla fall om man ska tro flum-filosofisk litteratur – som ju kan vara så mycket mer givande att läsa än vetenskapligt inramade utlägg om vad kreativitet är. Jag syftar till uttryck som ’everything is in the presence’ och ’ögonblicket är allt’. Om ögonblicket talar bland annat Osho. Jag kommer få anledning att komma tillbaka till honom, då han har ringat in mycket av kreativitetens natur.

Jag tror att det ligger en hel del i den tanken. När jag är kreativ så är jag det här och nu. När jag får ett kreativt infall så tar jag vara på det. Det kreativa ruset är i stunden. Just detta rus kommer inte åter. Det varar NU.

Men, för den skull tycker jag inte att vi ska negligera att kreativitet ofta tar sin utgångspunkt i tidigare kunskap. Det man DÅ visste tar man med sig in i framtiden, om än ommodellerat och omdefinierat. Framtidsaspekten bör heller inte underlåtas i sammanhanget. Det jag skapar i det kreativa ögonblickets nu, står till förfogande för min omvärld IMORGON. I bästa fall är det jag skapat ett bidrag till den utveckling som banar väg mot vad framtid är.

Tidsaspekten har anknytning till ’nytt’ och ’gammalt’ som beståndsdelar i kreativitet. En diskussion jag tänker föra i kommande inlägg.
Creativity is now. At least if we are to believe eastern philosophical writings (e.g. Osho) – which often represents easy-reading compared with scientific reasonings on creativity. I’m referring to expressions like ‘everything is in the presence’ and ‘the moment is everything’.

I think there is a lot to that thought. When I’m being creative, it happens right here and now. Whims need to be embraced. The creative flow is in the moment. A particular flow won’t return to you. It exists NOW.

Nevertheless, I don’t think we should neglect the fact that creativity often takes its point of departure in previous knowledge. What you THEN knew is brought into the future, however remodelled and redefined.

The future aspect is neither to disregard. What I’m creating now, in the midst of the creative moment, will be at the disposal for the rest of the world TOMORROW. Hopefully, my creation will make a contribution to the development that paves way towards what will constitute the future.

The time aspect is connected to ‘the new’ and ‘the old’ as components of creativity. A theme I intend to elaborate on in upcoming blog posts.


Anonymous said...

Kreativitet är nu.

Jag går loss på den meningen. Snygg.

Vill bara göra tummen upp för din blogg. Bokmärker den och återkommer igen!

Må sol, Evelina!

/ Jack

Anonymous said...

Tack Jack,

Det var vackert sagt; jag lovar att försöka må - och lysa - som en sol i Gbg's höstrusk :)

Även jag har bokmärkt din blogg. Du får mig att häpnas varje dag. Unik egenskap.

Allt gott,

Anonymous said...


It was suppose to be a short comment… :s

My opinion is that I couldn’t agree with you (Evelina)more about the spontaneous nature of the creation act, and the importance of the “moment”. Like the idea of something that suddenly belongs to the world, and personally I think that is closely related to the materialization of the… “idea”. Therefore, to be creative can be translated (among other things) as the ability to materialize, (or externalize), something abstract that is in your mind, and make it clear to the rest of the world. You have to be quite creative to use the available tools (words, music, dance, painting, etc…) to express an idea, transform something abstract that is in your mind into something objective and clear for everyone!
The “problem” about creativity* in the artistic field, is related with the previous idea “make it clear to everyone”… ok, not everyone… but a specific social group, a community… And I believe this is closely related to what Evelina said in the post: “I don’t think we should neglect the fact that creativity often takes its point of departure in previous knowledge”. What I mean is, every human being is a social creature to the bone and everybody shares a specific matrix of social and cultural references… nobody builds something over nothing and with no sense of utility; and what happens is that an artist lives his social life, historical events, cultural environment, and creativity flourishes in a specific context. Specifically in the artistic domain, art represents social symbols processed by the artist imagination, working different kinds of combinations (with different levels of complexity) and materialized in a work of art, containing symbolic value and getting a specific type of social recognition, artistic value…

Mr. :B

Anonymous said...

Mr. :B,

I loooove when people get going like that (I do it my self - a lot)
Occasionally your words are pure poetry, e.g.:

'Like the idea of something that suddenly belongs to the world'

I almost would like you to elaborate on those words... if that's not to much to ask!? :)

Further more, I agree; artistic creativity is SO interesting to study because of its symbolic nature and its strong linkedness to the receiver...

I also enjoy a lot what you're saying about 'materialization' of the idea. The process of going from abstract and 'internal' to materialised and external - that is a process that deserves more studies. It is in that very process we are to find geniality...

Kind regards,